Royal Family Kids Camp 2009! (this is a camp for Utah Foster Children I have had the opportunity to be involved with this camp for the past 11 years God has really given me a heart for this amazing kids) This year was such a blast and it just flew by. I am in there somewhere along with Andrew and Matthew as well.
I was so excited I finally had the opportunity to go and watch my friend Tami in a Rodeo she ropes and she rocks at it just so you know. She is the gorgeous blond one. Love ya Tam thanks for inviting us.
I had to say see ya soon, not goodbye to my favorite friend Brookers who moved to Indy for her husbands job. He plays for the Indianapolis Colts I miss her that girl can make me laugh I will tell ya what... I can't wait to see ya in November. GO COLTS (even though the Jets are my team) Love ya Brookie!
So Calogero, Shane , Ashlee and I did a Super Sprint Tri at the end of August. It was fun and I would definitely do it again next year but I really need to work on my running. Ash kicked butt and came out first in our group of four followed by Shane, Me, and then Calogero.
My Dad celebrated his 58th Birthday on August 26! Happy Birthday Daddy! Love ya.
Jennie and I hosted a Baby Shower for Lacey at my house a couple of weeks ago and we had a great time! We had almost everyone there (we missed ya Gentri) that hasn't happened in forever. As most of you know Lacey has had her little girl since then and she is beautiful. Congrats Lacey and Jeff you two make adorable babies!
I turned 25 a couple of weeks ago on September 11th! I can't believe I am quarter of a century old, well at least I don't feel old yet hopefully that never happens. This is actually my second birthday cake out of 3. My Mom made me my first one, my Grandpa gave me this cute little one, and my boss and his wife gave the a little cake also they were all so good! Holy crap that is a lot of cake huh. Well I didn't eat it all by myself just in case you were wondering but I did my fair share that is for sure.