Thursday, October 30, 2008
Jason Mraz!
Calogero and I went to Jason Mraz on Tuesday night and we had a blast! I LOVE Mraz! and was totally excited to hear him live. I rock it on the i-pod always but have never been to his show. Ok he was sooo good live and way entertaining I suggest that when he returns to Utah you see him because I know I will for sure be there! Calog and I trying to get Mraz in the background but no luck. Can you tell he hates these kinds of pics when we take them ourselves (it's because I make him take them all the time! But what are you to do if you don't have your own personal photog with you at all time? Take them yourself honey sorry.) Well I had a great time! Do you think the picture portrays my JOY! Thanks babe for the B-Day gift.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Weekend at the Cabin!
Yes I know another post about going to Jennies Cabin sorry but hey I was there too and I must share a little. Well let me start out with a HUGE THANK YOU Jen, Buddy, and Claire for hosting such a fun weekend with endless amounts of yummy food and nothing but FUN! (Gentri I love your color filled posts so I am stealing the cuteness hope that's ok?) On a side note: One thing I felt so bad about was the dinner planned for Saturday night that Melanie and Brooke planned and purchased the food for and they were not able to make sorry ladies I know it would have tasted yummy, I just had to add that. Now back to the Cabin. Jennie, Carly, Melanie and I took a fun night ride to meet Brooke and Adam down at the bottom here are some pics of our scary back-out. I get the giggles when I get scared or excited for some reason so with Jennie driving all four of us one four wheeler down the mountain you bet I had the giggles! That night we played a few games and I still laugh when I think about Adams Jesse James comment during catch phrase and how hard it was for everyone to understand the concept of Mafia, sorry Calogero. And only about six people will get this comment but the sheets incident still makes me laugh! When we woke up the next morning we were greeted by some beautifull snow I was actually happy it snowed. (me the girl who hates winter) It was fun to play in the snow and it made our four wheeler ride beautiful! Tami, Brooke, and I were all on one four wheeler for the ride and all I can say is THANK YOU BROOKE for holding onto me. We took some steep hills that Tam handled with ease of course. Just to let everyone know Tami is the best darn driver! Calogero and I couldn't resist taking a photo with our room mate (wait is that one word?) isn't he cute? Well thank you for a fun weekend folks I can't wait to do it again. Here are just a few more pics from the weekend:
Well I had the best time and loved the company I can't wait to do it again. I missed all of you who were not there!
Well I had the best time and loved the company I can't wait to do it again. I missed all of you who were not there!
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Royal Family Kids Camp and Club Fundraiser
Sorry for the double posting in one day I just haven't posted forever. Royal Family Kids Camp and now coming November 2008 Kids Club had its yearly fundraiser that was hosted this year by LaCaille. As most of you know I have been involved in this kids camp for Utah Foster Kids for 10 years now and am now becoming the Director along with my best friend Krystal Bodell of the new Mentoring program that we are starting this November. We have been waiting for an opportunity to reach these kids outside of our one week of camp and with the blessing of social services we are starting Royal Friends Club this year; a one on one mentoring program for the kids from camp and their counselors. I am so excited to get this program started it has been a long time coming. The food was yummy (they had these cool looking pasteries that were shaped like swans for dessert that Krystal is modeling for you) and company was great! Thank you LaCaille and all the wonderfull men and women who put this fundraiser together it was great! If anyone knows any companies or corporations that would like to donate to this non-profit organization let me know we still have not met our goal for the 2008-2009 year of mentoring and week of camp for these kids. We had 34 kids at our camp this year and are hoping to be able to invite 50 next year, and for our pilot year of the kids club we are inviting 15 kids to participate and we only want those numbers to increase as the years go on.
God Bless and Much Love
Utes Game!
Calogero and I went to the Utes game on Thursday when they played Oregon State it was so fun! For some reason football on the telly does not rank number one thing for me to watch, but going to games is one of my favorite things. The cool air, the lights, hot dogs, giving high-fives to stangers, and yelling at the players as if they can hear and would truely take your advice. We spent most of our time agonizing over the horrible offense and I was wanting for them to win so bad it kind of hurt (who knew I was so sensitive about sports? Just kidding) Last few minutes of the game were nail bitting I hope for your sake if you are a Utes fan and you freaking better be that you watched this game on t.v. well at least the end. Utes won in the last 2 seconds with a field goal by in my opinion the team MVP Sakoda. Final score Oregon State 28 Utah 31. Sorry for the lack of pictures I left my camera at home on accident total rookie mistake I know. Thank you babe for taking me to the game I had a blast!
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