Tuesday, November 4, 2008


So Lacey tagged me forever ago, and I have been to lazy honestly to do it but after much thought I am ready to tackle the Tag! So I am supposed to share 6 of my quirks with ya'll so here we go:
1. I CAN NOT have my food touching! I know it all ends up jummbled together in my stomach anyway but that doesn't mean I have to do it on my plate. My Dad and brother Andrew almost always mix it all together and I just do not see the appeal.
2. I always save the best for last. When I am eating if there is a part of my meal or even just a french fry the I think looks better then the others I will wait and eat it last. Calogero used to think that me leaving it there for awhile meant I wasn't interested in eating it and he would pick it up and throw it in his mouth. After hearing my screeching a few times and having his hands slapped he has learned don't touch unless offered. (doesn't that make me sound like such a sweetie)
3. I can not have help cleaning my house. I will follow around this helper doing things over again and making endless suggestions. The thing that sucks about this annoying little habit is I don't want to do all the cleaning myself,but if people can't do it right (and by right I of course mean my way) then I don't want their help at all.
4. This is more hygenic then quirky but I do not share chapstick. Not interested in herpes my friends but I still love ya!
5. I do not put my mouth on water bottles and I do not allow anyone to put their mouth on my water bottle either (eventhough for some reason my Mom tries to sneak it everytime!) I am not a backwasher or anything but others are.
6. I am totally awkward on the phone. I for some reason get uncomfortable having phone conversations. I don't know if anyone has ever noticed but I kind of ramble and then try to end my call quickly sometimes in the middle of someone talking. Never does this happen at work with strangers on the other line but with friends and family. So if you have ever talked to me on the phone and thought what a weirdo or how rude don't take it personally just know I have phone difficulty sorry.

So those are a few quirks that I carry around but that's me. I am not going to tag anyone but I would love to hear about some of your quirks!


The Baldwin's said...

I love your quirks cause that's what makes you-Liz and I love you to pieces!! Hope you and Calogero had a fun Halloween I'm excited to see pics cause you both seem like the type to dress up :)

Jennie B. said...

Geez. Quit bein so awkward over the phone Liz. WTF.

Troy, Erin and baby Boston said...

Ha ha! You make me laugh :) I love that you squeal when your hubby trys to take your food...I can totally hear you doing that right now :) Oh, and I don't do well on the phone either. I'd much rather email or text.

Lacey Tait said...

Love it Liz!! Good jod on doing the tag. I love the one about the phone. That is so funny!

Matt and Carly Van Dyke said...

Yeah! I was so happy to see you do this tag! I can not believe you have the phone issue! SO DO I!!! I am the most awkward person on the phone and for some reason it's only when I'm talking to friends and family! Honestly! Why in the crap is it so hard to carry on a normal conversation with the people I like most! I always feel so awkward and stupid! I totally know what you mean!